
When your glass is broken you most likely want to get it fixed as quickly as possible. Did you know that glass is primarily covered under you COMPREHENSIVE portion of your policy. These types of claims typically have minimal to no impact on your premiums after submitting a claim.

If your glass claim is part of a collision with a fixed object or as a result of a motor vehicle incident involving another vehicle, these types of claims are covered under your COLLISION coverage of your policy. These types of claims normally have direct impacts on your policy after submitting a claim.

Both COMPREHENSIVE and COLLISION coverage are optional and it is possible to get one or both and exclude glass coverage. So when it comes to insurance claims it is not always straight forward with a yes or no answer to ARE YOU COVERED. Deductibles for both of these types of claims also play a part and can range from 0 – 1000+ dollars depending on your policy.

When you contact your insurance company they will tell you to use one of their “PREFERRED” installers. You have the right to take your vehicle to any qualified repair shop that you choose. They can make recommendations but in the end it is entirely your choice.

At Maritime Auto Glass we can and will open your claim on your behalf.